Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Who To Avoid on a Cruise Ship

On a cruise, you will likely meet people from other countries and other cultures: old and young alike. On longer cruises, camaraderie develops and you can’t wait to all meet up.

But you get the odd one or two who are determined not to have a good time. The Moaning Minnies. Here is how you can usually spot them…

Avoid the following people.

They generally sit next to you uninvited or perhaps at breakfast and will almost certainly ask the following question…

“What do you think of the ship?” 

A klaxon should sound in your head and you should get the heck out of there ASAP for what they really want to do is tell you what they think of the ship and it’s usually not favourable.

We have been on some fabulous ships which anyone would normally be really grateful to have the chance to travel on but we have encountered these Moaning Minnies who, once they have cornered you, proceed to criticize everything about the ship from the décor to the carpets; from the crew to the standard of the food which on one memorable occasion included the comment “The bacon on here isn’t as crisp as it is on the Oriana”.

Another question you should never respond to is…

“How much did you pay for this cruise?”

Uh Oh! That’s a no-no. If you paid half what they did, they will be scandalized and give you an earbashing but if they paid half of what you did, they’ll delight in telling you all about it and what great deals So and So Cruise Agency always give them – indeed they are on first name terms with the boss there.

 So keep an ear open for those two key phrases!

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